American Journal of Universal Studies
Vol. 1, No. 01, 2023
E-ISSN: ---- ---- | P-ISSN: ---- ---
Lia Saniah*
, Iim wasliman
, Hanafiah
, Deti Rostini
Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia
[email protected],, [email protected],
Abstract: This study aims to describe and
analyze e-learning media management to
improve the quality of mathematics learning in
private universities. Data collection techniques in
this study were carried out through interviews,
observations, and document studies. The results
of the study are as follows: 1) E-learning media
planning has been carried out according to the
principles of planning even though it is not yet
complete; 2) The organization of e-learning
media has been effective in accordance with the
main tasks and functions of work units in the
higher education environment although it is not
yet fully flexible; 3) The implementation of e-
learning media in principle, both study programs
have carried out in accordance with the planning
although there are still some implementations that
are not in accordance with the established plan;
4) Evaluation of e-learning media in principle,
both study programs evaluate the program based
on Higher Education standards with a cycle
(PPEPP); 5) The problem of e-learning media in
principle the two study programs are not so
serious, only technical obstacles such as the
instability of the internet network in certain
regions; 6) Solutions to e-learning media
problems in principle, both study programs have
the same policy to solve the same problems
related to the use of e-learning media, namely in
human resources, infrastructure and e-learning
facilities; 7) The impact of using e-learning
media in principle, the two study programs have
similarities in student learning outcomes and
students give a positive appreciation for
mathematics learning. E-learning media
management to improve the quality of
mathematics learning at private universities has
been oriented to the principles of learning
through the use of e-learning media.
Keywords: Management; Media E-learning;
Quality of Learning
1. Introduction
At the end of 2019, the whole world
was shocked by a disease that emerged in the
city of Wuhan, the capital of Hubei
Province, China. The disease originated
from the coronavirus, which then continued
to spread and became a pandemic known as
COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease). Since
its discovery in Wuhan, China, in December
2019, the virus has spread widely to the
point of infecting more than 200 countries
and to the World Health Organization or
WHO on February 11, 2020, has increased
rapidly on the scale of the epidemic that
continues to this day (Li, Geng, Peng, Meng,
& Lu, 2020).
The government has issued various
policies and initiatives to face learning
obstacles during the Covid-19 pandemic,
such as the revision of the four ministers'
joint decree (SKB) which was issued on
August 7, 2020, to adjust learning policies
during the current pandemic era. In addition,
schools are given the flexibility to choose a
curriculum that suits the learning needs of
students during the pandemic, as stipulated
in the Decree of the Minister of Education
and Culture regarding the curriculum during
the emergency period.
E-Learning is an information
technology that is implemented in the world
of education, especially in learning
resources. Therefore, e-Learning is
something relatively new in Indonesia. Now
e-Learning is one of the alternative learning
media because of its advantages. Currently,
the concept of e-learning has been widely
accepted by the world community, as
evidenced by the rampant implementation of
e-learning, especially in educational
institutions (schools, training, and
universities). Some universities organize
electronic learning activities as a supplement
(addition) to the subject matter that is
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presented regularly in the classroom. The
tendency to develop e-learning as an
alternative to learning in various educational
institutions is increasing in line with
developments in the field of communication
and information technology. The term e-
learning also contains a very broad meaning,
so many experts have elaborated on the
definition of e-learning from various points
of view. One of the definitions that are quite
acceptable to many parties is from (Wahono,
2008) which states that e-learning is a type
of teaching and learning that allows the
delivery of teaching materials to students
using internet media, intranets, or other
computer network media. (Dabbagh &
Bannan-Ritland, 2005) refer to e-learning by
the term online learning which defines
online learning as an open and distributed
learning environment with pedagogical
tools, the internet, and network-based
technologies, to facilitate learning and build
science through action and interaction. E-
learning is learning that can be done
anywhere and anytime, depending on the
needs of human resources (teachers,
lecturers, instructors, and students) who
carry out the e-learning learning activities.
Pasundan University and Mathla'ul
Anwar University, follow this trend of
technological development. The university
has implemented a learning system called e-
learning. Learning with this e-learning
media was chosen because of the simplicity
of the structure and ease of access to the
system by all users. This system is combined
with a synchronous and asynchronous
learning system, making it easier for
students to access lecture materials and take
care of administration. The success of this
system depends largely on the users of the
system, namely students and lecturers.
However, in its implementation, the use of
this system is not optimal as it should be due
to various factors including the need for
adjustments for students and teaching
lecturers to use this program and because
online lectures are very limited by time and
space. So that lecturers cannot directly
monitor students one by one in one face-to-
face lecture, this requires students to be more
independent in understanding the material
and completing the tasks given by the
lecturer. In addition, many students
complained and regretted this. Because there
are many obstacles they encounter when
using this online lecture system. One of the
main problems is related to network
constraints experienced by students and
students' lack of understanding of the
material obtained from the e-learning media
that has been provided.
Based on the results of a pre-survey of
21 students conducted on February 18, 2021,
data on the percentage of student difficulties
in Figure 1 was obtained as follows:
Figure 1
Diagram of students' Difficulties
studying Linear Algebra Courses
Based on data on the difficulty of
students in studying linear algebra courses,
68% experienced difficulties and 32% did
not experience them. This means that many
students’ answers related to the material of
building a space that finds difficult to
understand. The problem today is that there
are still many students who consider
mathematics a difficult subject. To (Auliya
Marfuatin Nurjanah, 2026), mathematics is
considered a difficult subject because the
characteristics of mathematics are abstract,
logical, systematic, and full of confusing
symbols and formulas. The difficulties that
exist in mathematics subjects demand the
creativity of teachers in mathematics
subjects to develop their learning, both in
terms of methods and media used.
Researchers also conducted a pre-
survey by providing a questionnaire about
the wishes of students who want to learn
using Moodle’s Learning Management
System (LMS) learning media. With the
question "I want to learn using the Learning
Management System (LMS) Learning
Media Moodle".
Based on the results of the
questionnaire that has been given to 21
students, the results in Figure 1.2 are
obtained as follows:
Sulit Tidak
Lia Saniah, Iim wasliman, Hanafiah, Deti Rostini: Management of Academic Services In Building Student
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Figure 2
Diagram of wanting to learn using
Moodle's Learning Management System
(LMS) learning media
The diagram above shows the data from
the questionnaire about students' desire to
learn using Moodle's Learning Management
System (LMS) learning media is 76% and
24% do not want. Students stated that they
want to learn using Moodle Learning
Management System (LMS) learning media.
However, there are several obstacles
expressed by students that students have
various complaints during online learning
including the number of assignments given,
difficulty understanding lessons, and limited
internet quota used in online learning. The
problems that arise during online learning at
home experienced by students make
learning ineffective. Problems that occur
include the lack of network, data packages
(Internet quota), The availability of learning
devices (laptops, smartphones), the
atmosphere of the house, and the
surrounding environment that is not
supportive also determine the effectiveness
of online learning. The biggest difficulty
experienced by students is the level of
understanding of the material because the
learning style of each student affects the
level of understanding in the absorption of
learning materials.
According to (Firman & Rahayu, 2020)
although the use of gadgets can support the
online learning process, several things must
be considered, including the possibility of
negative impacts of misuse and excessive
use of gadgets. Students admit that in
addition to learning, they also use
smartphones to access social media. Where
social media has shown indications of
gadget addiction due to excessive use of
gadgets. This raises concerns about the
negative effects of using gadgets and social
media such as the possibility of being
exposed to misinformation and inattention
during learning due to playing social media.
In addition, people who are addicted to
gadgets tend to have social and academic
Thus, quality in the field of education
includes the quality of inputs, processes,
outputs, and outcomes. Educational inputs
are declared to be of high quality if they are
ready to compete by the national minimum
standards in the field of education. The
educational process can be declared quality
if it can create an atmosphere of active,
creative, innovative, and fun learning so that
educational goals can be achieved properly.
Output is declared quality if the learning
outcomes are achieved by students’
2. Research Method
This research is a type of qualitative
research. The research approach used is a
phenomenological approach (meaning of
existence) that is, a way of approaching
obtaining knowledge about something
(object) as it appears and becomes the
experience of our consciousness (Moleong,
2007). The use of this approach is adjusted
to the main objectives of the research,
namely describing the development of e-
learning media management to improve the
quality of mathematics learning at private
The informants of this research consist
of doctors, lecturers, and students, which are
determined later according to the needs and
objectives of the research. The informants
were selected based on their duties and
relationships with the research theme, using
the principle of "snowball", that is, the
determination of research informants who
were originally few, over time became large
(Sugiyono, 2019). To collect all the research
data needed in this study comprehensively,
the researchers used three kinds of data
collection techniques, namely: interviews,
observations, and documentation.
Furthermore, the data that has been collected
is analyzed qualitatively by following the
data analysis techniques proposed by (Miles
& Huberman, 1994), through three lines of
Ya Tidak
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activities carried out sequentially, namely;
(1) data reduction, (2) data display, and (3)
conclusion/verification collection is carried
out continuously during the research
3. Result And Discussion
E-Learning Media Planning in
Mathematics Learning at Private
Planning is one of the important
management functions because planning
plays a strategic role in the success of
educational service efforts. Based on the
results of the research findings, data were
obtained that the two universities have
carried out planning by the principles of
planning, measurable and comprehensive
which includes four stages, namely goal
setting, curriculum, human resources, and
infrastructure. Planning for the use of e-
learning media in the Curriculum is outlined
in the RPS to realize the vision, mission, and
objectives of the Study Program, where the
objectives of the Study Program are
educational institutions that utilize and
maintain supporting facilities for digital-
based learning process. This is in line with
(Siswanto, 2007) planning is the process and
series of activities to set goals in advance at
a certain period/period and the stages/steps
that must be taken to achieve these goals. In
line with Hamzah (2009: 2) planning is a
way to make activities run well,
accompanied by various anticipatory steps
to minimize the gaps that occur so that the
activities can achieve the goals that have
been set. The basics of the need for a
learning planning process to achieve
learning improvements.
Learning planning includes several
activities such as the formulation of goals to
be achieved in a learning activity, methods
used to assess the achievement of these
goals, learning material materials to be
delivered, and preparation of tools or media
used. Learning process planning includes
reps, which contain the identity of the
course, CPL, CPMK, achievement
indicators, learning objectives, teaching
materials, time allocation, learning methods,
learning activities, assessment of learning
outcomes, and learning resources. Where all
of that has been agreed upon at the time of
the curriculum update meeting based on the
Vision, Mission, and Objectives. This is in
line with (Terry, 2010). Planning is the
selection of facts and the linking of facts and
the making and use of estimates or
assumptions for the future by describing and
formulating the activities necessary to
achieve the desired result.
Regarding the understanding of the
current situation, the two study programs
have almost the same conditions related to
educators and education staff but have
different conditions in terms of educational
infrastructure, availability of budgets, and
information resources of PT. Readiness in
terms of educational infrastructure
resources, financial resources, and different
information resources due to the fulfillment
of infrastructure, in addition to the
managerial ability of the dean and head of
the study program to take part in the
fulfillment of parasarana, finance, and
information facilities. This is in line with
(Danim, 2007) saying that if an institution
wants to improve the quality of its education,
it must at least involve five dominant factors,
Principal Leadership; the principal
must have and understand the vision of work
clearly, be able and willing to work hard,
have a high work drive, be diligent and
steadfast in working, provide optimal
service, and have strong work discipline.
Teacher; maximum involvement of
teachers, by improving the competence and
work profession of teachers in seminars,
workshops, and training so that the results of
these activities are applied in schools.
Student; the approach that must be
taken is "the child as a center" so that the
competence and ability of the student can be
explored so that the school can inventory the
strengths that exist in the student.
Curriculum; the existence of a
consistent, dynamic, and integrated
curriculum can enable and facilitate the
expected quality standards so that goals
(goals) can be achieved optimally.
Cooperation Network; Cooperation
networks are not only limited to the school
environment and the community (parents
and the community) but with other
organizations, such as companies or
government agencies so that the output of
schools can be absorbed in the world of
Lia Saniah, Iim wasliman, Hanafiah, Deti Rostini: Management of Academic Services In Building Student
Satisfaction, 1(1) 9-20 ã 2023
E-learning media management
(Moodle) in improving the quality of
learning contains an aesthetic value, because
it goes through stages that are orderly, neat,
and well-organized. Through careful
planning and well-organized
implementation and continuous evaluation
and supervision. Aesthetic value needs to be
presented in every process of organizing e-
learning because, without this value, e-
learning media is only limited to formalistic
activities without meaning. For this activity
to be meaningful, it is necessary to liven up
a comfortable, happy, conducive
atmosphere, so that a sense of affection
arises between teachers and students. The
sense of affection will begin to appear when
there is a sense of trust, attention, and
communication between the two parties.
Organizing the Use of E-Learning Media
in Mathematics Learning in Higher
Based on the findings and interpretation
of the study, information was obtained that
organizing in both universities was effective.
In principle, the two universities have made
stages of organizing by the guidelines for the
use of e-learning media. The two study
programs have organized from internal to
external coordination by establishing
procedures and forming an e-learning media
program team so that they can work
optimally in the learning process by the
vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the
study program to prove and develop the
quality of learning. Both study programs
have run organizations related to describing
the vision, mission, goals, and objectives
into the operational activities of the head of
the study program so that it can be seen that
the head of the study program can translate
all activities preferably based on the vision,
mission, goals, and objectives.
This is shown by the implementation of
the duties and authorities of the study
program leaders in preparing academic work
programs and coaching students in the study
program environment, monitoring, and
evaluating the successful implementation of
work programs by the vision and mission,
and objectives of the Study Program that
have been launched and mutually agreed
upon together. The implementation of
practical lectures is assigned to the UPT Lab,
Computer Lab, Language Lab, and Micro
Teaching. Meanwhile, student academic
coaching, in addition to being carried out by
study program leaders, is also carried out by
guardian lecturers. The development of the
vision and mission for the lecturers of the
study program is carried out through
workshops, faculty work meetings, semester
plans, updating the syllabus and RPS, and
meetings with study program lecturers. In
the field of finance, the study program
designs the budget for activities and
accounts for it for the faculty.
This is in line with (Terry, 2010)
Organizing is the determination, grouping,
and preparation of the various activities that
are carried out to achieve the objectives, the
placement of people (employees), to these
activities, the provision of physical factors
suitable for work purposes and the
appointment of a relationship of authority,
devolved to each person about the
implementation of each expected activity.
The main function of the study program
is to design and carry out the activities of the
tri dharma of higher education at the study
program level by faculty policies. The
management operations and activities of the
study program are handled by three officers,
namely the head and secretary of the study
program, as well as the academic education
staff of the study program. The study
program leader is in charge of designing the
program, and implementing and
coordinating various activities of the trauma
of higher education at the study program
level, while the administrative officer is in
charge of recording and archiving the
academic activities of the study program.
This is in line with (Fattah, 2008) which
states that organizing is the process of
dividing work into smaller tasks, imposing
tasks on people according to their abilities,
allocating resources, and coordinating them
to effectively achieve organizational goals.
In line with George R. Terry's opinion
organizing includes: (a) dividing the
components of the activity needed to achieve
the goal into groups, (b) dividing the duties
to a manager to organize such groupings,
and (c) establishing authority among groups
or organizational units (Terry, 2010). In line
with Presidential Regulation Number 68 of
Lia Saniah, Iim wasliman, Hanafiah, Deti Rostini: Management of Academic Services in Building Student
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2019 concerning the Organization of State
Ministries, it is determined to realize the
organization of state ministries that are the
right function, the right size, and the right
process to support the effectiveness of
government administration. According to
Dwight Waldo in Kencana Syafie with his
book Indonesian Government Bureaucracy,
explaining: Organization is a structure and
authority and habit in relations between
people in an administrative system.
From the description above, it can be
understood that a good learning process can
be carried out by students both inside and
outside the classroom, and with the
characteristics possessed by students, it is
hoped that they will be able to interact and
socialize with their friends properly and
wisely. With high intensity and continuous
learning, it is hoped that the process of social
interaction between friends can be created
properly and in turn, they respect and respect
each other even though in their journey they
differ from each other which in the end they
foster a democratic attitude between each
In line with the above opinion, learning
according to the view of constructivism is:
"Learning is built by man little by little, the
results of which are expanded through a
limited (narrow) and not sudden context.
Learning is not a set of facts, concepts, or
rules that are ready to be taken and
remembered. Man must construct that
learning and form meaning through real
experience" (Depdiknas, 2003).
Evaluation of the Use of E-Learning
Media in Mathematics Learning in
Higher Education
Based on the findings and interpretation
of the research, the two study programs in
carrying out performance evaluation have
carried out Quality Assurance activities
based on the cycle of determination,
implementation, evaluation, control, and
continuous improvement (PPEPP). The
implementer is the Internal Quality
Assurance Unit (SPMI), and the product is
in the form of recommendations for the
academic performance of study programs in
the higher education environment. Quality
assurance is carried out continuously and
continuously by the Quality Assurance Unit
(UPM) at the Study Program level and the
Quality Control Group (GKM) at the Faculty
level, starting from program planning,
program implementation, and assessment. In
addition, the results of observations and
documentation that at the level of the
mathematics study program, faculty leaders,
make efforts to create a quality culture, then
carry out the following mechanisms:
Determination, Carrying out work
meetings managed by the Faculty in
updating the syllabus, RPS, and hand out
based on the latest scientific developments
and feedback received by the Study
Program. This working meeting is an effort
to ensure the quality of the lecture process.
Ahead of the semester, the study program
leaders held a coordination meeting with the
lecturers who taught the course. Meetings on
lecture technicalities and discussions on the
development of the latest lecture materials.
Study Program leaders and peer lecturers
provide input to lecturers who teach courses
to then be advised to make improvements to
the syllabus and RPS to the latest
developments in science. Apart from peer
lecturers, the input can come from feedback
obtained from students, alumni, and
graduate users. This effort is part of the
quality assurance of learning processes and
Implementation, the Head of Study
Program during lectures in the current
semester, carries out monitoring by checking
the frequency of attendance and duration of
lecturers' attendance in class. Monitoring is
carried out to meet the number of meetings
that must be met and the duration of lectures
according to the number of course credits. In
addition, at the end of the lecture, students
are welcome to fill in the instrument of
control interest by the money.
Evaluation, At the end of the academic
year, the Study Program evaluates the
implementation of the curriculum that can be
used for curriculum development. The
evaluation is carried out by the SOP by
taking into account the internal and external
needs of the Study Program. Curriculum
evaluation is carried out as an effort by the
Study Program to provide quality assurance
of processes and results.
Control and quality assurance of the
lecture process is carried out through lecture
monitoring in the form of a Student and
Lecturer Attendance List (DHMD),
Lia Saniah, Iim wasliman, Hanafiah, Deti Rostini: Management of Academic Services In Building Student
Satisfaction, 1(1) 9-20 ã 2023
monitoring is carried out by the faculty
which is carried out by the Quality Control
Group and Study Program Leaders. Quality
assurance of learning outcomes is carried out
by the quality assurance team of
mathematics study programs using valid and
reliable instruments.
Continuous Improvement, By the SOP,
periodically updates the curriculum that is
developmental in nature. Curriculum
updates are carried out every four years once
and evaluations are carried out involving
various policymakers, users, alumni,
elementary school experts, and the
Indonesian Mathematics Lecturers
The above results are in line with
(Terry, 2010) Supervision can be formulated
as a process of determining what must be
achieved, namely standards, what is done,
namely implementation, assessing
implementation, and if necessary, making
improvements, so that the implementation is
by the plan, namely in line with standards
(measures). Implicitly the opinion states that
what is used to determine the standard of
assessment in education there must be an
aspect that is assessed. In line with (Koontz,
O’Donnell, & Weihrich, 1980), “controlling
is the measuring and correcting objectives of
subordinates to assure that events conform to
plans”. Supervision is the measurement and
correction of the achievement of goals to
ensure that all activities are the plan.
Implicitly in this sense sometimes there
are criteria used to determine the value and
the existence of the thing being assessed. In
other words, evaluation is the search for
something valuable from something. This
includes looking for useful information to
assess the existence of a program, which is
produced, has procedures, objectives, or
alternative program approaches, and is used
to achieve predetermined program
So, evaluation is the activity of
assigning value to a phenomenon in which
certain value judgments are contained. The
evaluator can set the main objectives of the
evaluation. Whether to peddle or measure
the effectiveness of the program or
efficiency or perhaps in the process as
expressed by (Kaufman, 2019) that”
evaluation is a process used to assess the
quality of what is going on.”
In conducting an evaluation, the
evaluator should first determine the steps to
be taken. The determination of evaluation
steps is necessary with the aim that the
results of the evaluation obtained can be
accurate so that in determining the next
policy can be appropriate.
Problems of Using E-Learning Media in
Mathematics Learning in Higher
Online learning is familiar nowadays.
Online learning is one of the solutions used
to overcome the problems of the learning
process during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Online learning provides more security
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Online
learning activities are carried out with
various applications. The applications used
include WhatsApp, Google Classroom,
Edmodo, Zoom, Google Meet, Webex,
Loom, Quizizz, and Duolingo (Pustikayasa,
2019; Wilson, 2020). These applications are
used by teachers to overcome the limitations
of face-to-face that teachers do with
students. Hopefully, with the application,
learning objectives can be achieved.
Based on the results of the research
findings, the problem of improving the
quality of e-learning-based mathematics
learning in two study programs is not so
serious, there are only a few lecturers who
are not enthusiastic about trying new IT-
based things, besides that there are some
who are a priori and feel that they cannot use
e-learning, even though they have not been
tried using e-learning. In addition, another
problem that arises when conducting e-
learning-based learning quality
improvement programs is that comfort zones
are often difficult to leave, where we already
feel enough of the usual learning. Other
problems that arise also from infrastructure
can be in the form of computers, laptops,
tablets, Smart Phones, computer networks,
the internet both from lecturers and students,
and large server needs in PT.
The problem that arises is that not
everyone has the same device. As well as
everyone has diverse abilities. However,
limited utilization and inadequate
connections can be obstacles. The learning
Lia Saniah, Iim wasliman, Hanafiah, Deti Rostini: Management of Academic Services in Building Student
Satisfaction, 1(1) 9-20 ã 2023
process that was originally carried out
face-to-face turned into online learning,
making various parties involved must adjust
so that the learning process continues. This
online learning certainly still has problems
because most lecturers and students have
never done online learning. Obstacles are
not only felt by lecturers and students,
parents of students also experience
difficulties during this online learning
process. This is contrary to the Higher
Education Law number 12 of 2012, article
31 concerning Distance Education (PJJ)
explains that PJJ is a teaching and learning
process that is carried out remotely through
the use of various communication media.
PJJ will provide Higher Education services
to community groups who are unable to
attend face-to-face or regular education, and
expand access to and facilitate Higher
Education services in Education and
learning. PJJ is held in various forms,
modes, and scopes supported by learning
facilities and services as well as an
assessment system that ensures the quality of
graduates by the National Standards of
Higher Education.
Legally formally based on
Permendikbud No. 109/2013 (Article 2), PJJ
aims to provide 2016 higher education
services to groups of people who cannot
attend face-to-face education, and expand
access and facilitate higher education
services in learning. That way it can be
interpreted that PJJ is an education system
that has the characteristics of open,
independent learning, and complete learning
by utilizing ICT and/or using other
techniques, and/or in the form of integrated
learning in higher education. Through this
PJJ system, everyone can get access to
quality education as well as face-to-face /
regular education in general without having
to leave their family, home, hometown, or
work, and not lose career opportunities. In
addition to obtaining easy access, the PJJ
system is also expected to be able to increase
the equitable distribution of the quality of
education for everyone. The mass nature of
the PJJ system in distributing quality
education that is standardized by utilizing
ICT, standardization of learning outcomes,
teaching materials, learning processes,
learning assistance, and learning evaluation,
makes quality education can be obtained by
various groups across time and space.
A lack of knowledge about platforms
that support learning will certainly have an
impact on the learning process. Students will
feel saturated because learning only uses the
WhatsApp application continuously. The
use of the WhatsApp application which has
limited features makes lecturers only
provide material in the form of videos and
commands to read the material in material
books owned by students. The collection of
assignments is still using conventional
methods, namely the tasks are written in
books then photographed and sent to the
WhatsApp group. With such a method, it
makes it inefficient for lecturers to correct
assignments from students. As a lecturer, it
is difficult to create fun learning for students.
Solutions for Using E-Learning Media in
Mathematics Learning in Higher
The COVID-19 pandemic is still a
global problem, including the problems of
the Indonesian nation. To overcome the need
for the cooperation of all components of
society, including the learning process must
prioritize the prevention and health of
community residents in this case lecturers,
campus residents, including students. So
distance learning (PJJ) or online using e-
learning is a learning option in the current
emergency period. Although recognized at
the implementation level, various problems
have arisen faced by lecturers and faced by
students. Furthermore, the first problem
faced by students is the data package. Online
learning is learning that uses learning media
and internet networks, learning that depends
on the availability of information technology
(Haryadi & Selviani, 2021). In online
learning, students not only need a
comfortable and calm atmosphere at home
that supports effective learning but also an
adequate internet connection, and not
because there are still students who do not
have gadgets or packages (Rofi’ah, 2021)
(Sarwa, 2021). Furthermore, (Haryadi &
Selviani, 2021) reminded us of the
responsibility of schools as institutions, that
to overcome the problems of online learning
during this pandemic requires the
availability of infrastructure and platforms
Lia Saniah, Iim wasliman, Hanafiah, Deti Rostini: Management of Academic Services In Building Student
Satisfaction, 1(1) 9-20 ã 2023
that support the process of teaching and
learning activities. The problem of not
having or lacking a data package is certainly
very hindering, because as a prerequisite for
the existence of an internet network and a
determinant of the learning process.
Based on the findings of the study, it
can be interpreted that in principle the two
study programs have the same policy to
solve the same problems related to the use of
e-learning media, namely in human
resources, infrastructure, and e-learning
facilities. E-learning training for lecturers to
facilitate lecturers to get to know and
understand more deeply the features of e-
learning. In addition, the leadership gives a
circular to each lecturer to record the
implementation of synchronous learning
then the recordings are saved or linked to e-
learning or YouTube channels so that
students who are constrained by the network
can watch it at any time during a good
network connection.
Considering that the problem of data
packages is the biggest problem experienced
by students. Efforts to provide data package
stimulants to all students and lecturers at the
beginning of the pandemic have been carried
out. Admittedly, due to the prolonged
pandemic, the problem of data packages is
still dominant. Especially for families of
victims of layoffs or businesses stopped due
to PPKM or activity restrictions.
The lack of enthusiasm of students in
participating in learning since the pandemic,
early March 2020, and until now has not
shown that it will end, as well as learning
methods that emphasize learning from
home, undeniably make students less
socialized with the environment and their
friends. As a result, students experience
saturation, enthusiasm for learning
decreases, and even easily depressed. This
problem becomes serious because the
findings of low enthusiasm for learning
among students are the biggest problem for
lecturers in online learning. Lecturers as
determinants in the learning process must
have strategies and various learning methods
so that students are not saturated, and bored
and have the spirit to follow learning. if
necessary, learning is also entertainment that
educates students. As a solution, teachers
should prepare learning materials as
attractive as possible, such as the
presentation of material in PowerPoint slides
accompanied by learning videos so that the
material is livelier for students to feel. And
the task of the teacher is to raise the spirit of
learning in students when they lack
enthusiasm (Asmuni, 2020) (Basar, 2021).
And the learning model in the 2013
curriculum begins with the teacher's efforts
to attract the attention of students and
motivate them to be involved in the learning
process from beginning to end (Zahrawati &
Indah, 2021).
Online learning requires independent
responsibility and learning independence.
However, from the data, it is recognized that
independent learning at home is not easy,
there are many challenges faced by students
in learning. Many things affect it; a less
conducive family environment, content on a
device or laptop that does not support
learning, for example, games or other
content that attracts more children's
attention. Especially if parental and
environmental control is lacking. As a result
learning tasks are often overlooked. The
factors that cause learning concentration
disorders can be divided into two, namely
external (interference from outside the self)
and internal (self-condition) (Mantu, 2015).
Overcoming these problems needs to
create conditions before and during learning
so that students can focus on participating in
learning. For example, by creating a clear
schedule and communicating with students,
and parents are supportive. For students who
experience concentration problems, there is
a problem-solving with the Study Program
via Whatsapp, or can come to campus. In
addition, teachers are expected to create
learning content more creatively and attract
attention, with more varied applications and
learning methods. For example, with
cartoons, videos with power points, and so
on, with learning objectives.
The Impact of Using E-Learning Media in
Mathematics Learning in Higher
Based on the research findings of the
two universities, there are similarities in the
impact of improving the quality of e-
learning-based mathematics learning,
namely that it can train students' patience in
Lia Saniah, Iim wasliman, Hanafiah, Deti Rostini: Management of Academic Services in Building Student
Satisfaction, 1(1) 9-20 ã 2023
participating in online learning, the
patience referred to here is, patience when at
the time of online learning, various obstacles
or obstacles are faced, be it from an
inadequate network, lack of understanding
of the material presented by lecturers and so
on. In addition, the positive impact, which is
felt by the student, of which is that the
student is more skilled in using technology.
because at any time he is faced with
technology to train students' master of
technology. This is also emphasized by one
of the students who view that with the online
presentation, students can follow the times.
(Karwati, 2014) stated that e-learning
facilitates interaction between students and
materials or subject matter. Likewise, the
interaction between students and lecturers
and between fellow students. Students can
share information or opinions about various
matters related to the lesson or students' self-
development needs. In online lectures,
lecturers have a role as a provider of learning
materials, stimulus, and direction for
students (Ningsih, 2020). The stimulus
provided is intended to help students
understand the lecture material, to provide
the final result in the form of behavior
changes in learning and mastery of
substance properly (Yuniarti, 2010). The
impact of this online lecture is expected to
motivate students in improving the quality of
learning and learning independence, besides
that lecturers are also expected to be able to
have higher quality teaching materials that
can be carried out anytime and anywhere
(Prayudi, 2009).
According to (Dhull & Sakshi, 2017),
there are two types of online learning. The
first is the wrap-around model. This model
relies on learning materials. This model
represents a resource-based learning
approach, as it seeks to use existing
relatively unchanged materials already
available online or offline. The second is
The Integrated Model, this model is closest
to a full online learning course. This model
is offered through a comprehensive learning
management system. The learning materials
for this model are mostly in electronic
formats such as computer conferencing
opportunities, small group-based
collaborative online learning activities, and
assessment of online learning outcomes. For
now, some of the subject matter content is
probably best assessed offline in published
textbooks and other sources. Learning and
teaching in this model require time to place
at a computer conference, where the
specified readings and assigned tasks are
discussed. Many of these teaching and
learning activities are quite smooth and
dynamic because they are largely
determined by individuals’ and groups’
Online distance learning is also able to
foster student learning independence.
Learning without direct guidance from
lecturers makes students independently look
for information about the course material
and the assignments assigned to them. Some
of the activities carried out are reading
reference books, online articles, and
scientific journals, or discussing with peers
through instant messaging applications
(Kuo, 2019) state that online learning is
more student-centered so that it can bring
out student responsibility and autonomy in
learning. Online learning requires students
to prepare for their learning, organize and
evaluate and simultaneously maintain their
learning motivation (Sun, 2014)
4. Conclusion
The conclusions of this study are: 1) E-
learning media planning has been running
according to the principles of planning even
though it is not yet complete; 2) The
organization of e-learning media has been
effective in accordance with the main tasks
and functions of work units in the higher
education environment although it is not yet
fully flexible; 3) The implementation of e-
learning media in principle, both study
programs have carried out in accordance
with the planning although there are still
some implementations that are not in
accordance with the established plan; 4)
Evaluation of e-learning media in principle,
both study programs evaluate the program
based on Higher Education standards with a
cycle (PPEPP); 5) The problem of e-learning
media in principle, the two study programs
are not so serious, only technical obstacles
such as the instability of the internet network
in certain regions; 6) The solution to the
problem of e-learning media in principle
both study programs have the same policy to
Lia Saniah, Iim wasliman, Hanafiah, Deti Rostini: Management of Academic Services In Building Student
Satisfaction, 1(1) 9-20 ã 2023
solve the same problems related to the use of
e-learning media, namely in SDM,
infrastructure and e-learning facilities; 7)
The impact of using e-learning media in
principle, the two study programs have
similarities in student learning outcomes and
students give a positive appreciation for
mathematics learning. E-learning media
management to improve the quality of
mathematics learning at private universities
has been oriented to the principles of
learning through the use through f e-learning
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