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The purpose of this study is to find out about da'wah communication through music. Music has the potential to be an instrument to invite listeners to do good just as music also has the potential to be a means of inviting listeners to bad. Rhoma Irama as an artist, culturalist, and religious figure, realizes the strategic position of music in da'wah. Rhoma's work as a dai-musician that has lasted half a century with various romances and controversies has become a treasure in the world of da'wah. An engraved factin history that Rhoma is one of the actors who advocate the da'wah movement through music, especially in the modern era. His legendary works of art are studied academically and non-academically at home and abroad. However, it is still difficult to trace the literature, especially, the scientific literature that broadcasts Rhoma's da'wah activities as a preacher and preacher.


rhoma Irama dakwah bil-musik dangdut tablig politics

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